Thursday, May 7, 2020

Tide Pool Buddies

When I can, I want to get to California. The place inspires me and I get to see Pamela. A few years ago, we were out and about on the Point Reyes National Seashore and I was busy sketching people. I was working on 8 by 6 pieces of Khadi watercolor paper. I liked how their bodies reflected in the tide pools. I used quick gesture work to get the overall form down and added watercolor later. I moved a few years ago. I threw away about a third of what I was hoarding and did a lot of reorganizing. I found an old sketchbook with value studies from 2007. Yesterday I did a small pastel from one of those studies. I was amazed at how much of the actual scene came flooding back into my mind.
In 2007 I spent the weekend in Fulton, Texas painting and sketching with a painting group. This pastel put me back in that place by the water watching the shrimpers coming in and going out. The birds of course were feeding.

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