I worked from the plein air sketch I posted a few days ago. Pam was a trooper that day because it was windy and cold. She sat with me while I got in three little paintings.
I worked from a plein air study to get this one. No photos just the sketch and my memory. I plan to go back to this little pond in the botanical gardens here in Austin as soon as we get out of this drought. We are getting rain every week and that helps a lot.
I used the plein air sketch completed on site for this one. I skipped the photo and just used the study. Working from sketches completed onsite is far better than working from a photo. Its easier to recall the scenery, light, sounds etc.
This lake in the morning has this beautiful mist that floats up. When I sat painting this scene I actually focused on some water weeds. I took a few pictures to capture more scenery. This painting was from a phone photo.
I worked on this one yesterday during my gallery sitting. I worked with oil on copper for this version. The light is always better in my studio/gallery.
My depiction of what the beach looks like after the waves go back out. When the beach is rocky water tends to settle into openings or the tops of rocks. This is a portion of the larger picture. I find it good to work on sections of a painting before committing to a larger version.
This a a preparatory color sketch for a larger pastel. Of course its Northern California and more than likely this is Glass Beach (one of Pamela's favorite places to go). She normally looks for shells and glass for her collection. I take pictures and sketch.
On our way up to Leggett, California to drive through a tree (thanks to Pamela) we crossed over this body of water. People were in their canoes and swimming. We stopped to check out the bridge and well as the body of water. I liked the blue green of the water and the contrast of the white rock formations and the water reflections. I want to work larger on this image in pastel and watercolor.
This is from one of my car sketches. The coastal highways in California are hilly and curvy. Two things that freak me out while driving as well as riding. It seems as if the road disappears.
I painted this one on one of those many days were we expected rain but didn't get it. This was the last one done on my most recent trip to the botanical gardens here in Austin. I won a nice set of pastels and finally opened them. My sense is fresh.
Another interior painting of Little Joe's. Pictured in the background is the second cook and in the foreground is a patron. I just got in from our annual 12 buy 12 show. The gallery was packed with people and the featured art was very strong. In my opinion our best 12 buy 12. Its up until January 7, 2012 at Austin Art Space go check it out.