Friday, June 6, 2008

Studies for paintings in progress

"Dress Rehearsal" 6 by 6 inches, oil on panel $75.00 unframed. I'm currently working on a large watercolor of this study. In reviewing this picture before posting, I realized that I have to darken the value of the background. I was in downtown San Francisco and a look up revealed these dresses on display.
This one is called "Men at Work". I'm currently working on a larger version in pastel. This was shot in San Francisco, California. I like painting random scenes. What is not here is the steam coming from the ground. The larger version has the steam. 6 by 6 inches, oil on panel, $75.00 unframed.

Whenever we go to Point Reyes in Northern California I end up photographing the dairy cows. Being from Texas it always amazes me that one can raise cattle near the ocean. This is 7 by 5 inches, oil on panel, $75.00 unframed. I'm contemplating a larger pastel painting of this scene.

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